Terms and conditions

1. The I.A.M Box is intended to be a tool for stress management and must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions provided. 

2. All resources that you receive with the I Am Mindful Box including the I.A.M Coping Plan and I.A.M Workbook are the Intellectual Property of I Am Mindful. You are in breach of I.A.M Terms and Conditions if you circulate, copy, distribute or resell the contents you receive. Only with consent by I Am Mindful can there be any permission granted. The I.A.M Box, Coping Plan and Workbook is to be used for personal use only.  © 2023 I Am Mindful

3. The I.A.M Box is not intended to substitute for or provide medical or psychological advice or support.

4. If you need guidance on the use of the items in the Box please ask your mental health clinician for assistance. 

5. To the extent permitted by law, I Am Mindful is not liable for and disclaims any loss or damage arising out of the use of the I.A.M Box or Bag.

6. If mental health symptoms persist see your general practitioner for guidance. 

7. In an emergency dial 000, your local CAT team or call lifeline on 13 11 14